The blood and the Spirit of Jesus Christ
1. Is signed and sealed in Baptism
2. Is promised to young and old
1. Is signed and sealed in Baptism
2. Is promised to young and old
The reward of grace
1. A precious confession from the disciples
2. A precious answer from Jesus
1. A precious confession from the disciples
2. A precious answer from Jesus
Joseph delivered from prison
1. A dreaming Pharaoh
2. A remembering butler
1. A dreaming Pharaoh
2. A remembering butler
Of Holy Baptism
1. The sign of Holy Baptism
2. The seal of Holy Baptism
3. The ground of Holy Baptism
1. The sign of Holy Baptism
2. The seal of Holy Baptism
3. The ground of Holy Baptism
Jesus’ instruction regarding the rich young man
1. A serious warning
2. A precious encouragement
1. A serious warning
2. A precious encouragement
The place of good works in justification
1. The Work Master of faith
2. The strengthening of faith
3. The object of faith
1. The Work Master of faith
2. The strengthening of faith
3. The object of faith
The place of good works in justification
1. Their imperfectness
2. Their merit
3. Their ground
1. Their imperfectness
2. Their merit
3. Their ground
The rich young man
1. His coming to Jesus
2. His instruction by Jesus
3. His departure from Jesus
1. His coming to Jesus
2. His instruction by Jesus
3. His departure from Jesus
The dreams of the butler and the baker
1. The contents of their dreams
2. The explanation of their dreams
3. The fulfillment of their dreams
1. The contents of their dreams
2. The explanation of their dreams
3. The fulfillment of their dreams
Justification by faith
1. The profit of faith
2. The exercise of faith
3. The ground of faith
1. The profit of faith
2. The exercise of faith
3. The ground of faith