
Satisfaction from man’s side

Sunday, March 3, 2019
Satisfaction from man's side
1. A deceitful question
2. An uncovering answer
Christ's baptism to be baptized with
1. The implication of this baptism
2. The application of this baptism

The necessity of man’s deliverance

Sunday, February 24, 2019
The necessity of man's deliverance
1. A beneficial question
2. A serious answer
Consider the Work of the Lord in the fear of His Name
1. The nature of that fear
2. Taking hold of that fear

Jephthah’s battle against Ammon

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Jephthah's battle against Ammon
1. Jephthah's enemies defeated
2. Jephthah's daughter humbled
3. Jephthah's vow fulfilled
The Gibeonites earnestly seeking for peace with Israel
1. Their unbearable state
2. Their encouraging reception
3. Their dishonesty uncovered
4. Their humble submission

Consider the work of God

Sunday, February 10, 2019
Consider the work of God
1. An admonition not to be overly righteous
2. An admonition not to be overly wicked
3. An admonition to fear the Lord

De blinde Bartimeüs

Sunday, February 10, 2019
De blinde Bartimeüs
1. De kennis van zijn ellende
2. De bede om zijn verlossing
3. Het bewijs van zijn dankbaarheid

The lawfulness of God’s justice

Sunday, February 10, 2019
The lawfulness of God’s justice
1. God’s justice
2. God’s mercy

The lawfulness of God’s punishment

Sunday, February 3, 2019
The lawfulness of God’s punishment
1. The reason for that punishment
2. The nature of that punishment
3. The escape of that punishment
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